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Huntsville, AL, United States
Jennifer Walker, Realtor, CSP, MCSP Serving the Northern Alabama area; providing real resoures and real solutions to all your real estate needs. Specializing in relocation and new construction.

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    Friday, March 16, 2012

    What Jennifer Says: Let's Bloom Together

    Spring is in the air – flowers and weeds are starting to bloom and the customer’s looking to buy or sell their homes is blooming too! 

     Yes, this is considered to be the busiest time of all in real estate. I absolutely believe the weather plays a major role in real estate sales and activity, especially the spring season. 

     We are starting to get some warm days and it just lifts our spirits as a whole. Everyone is coming out of hibernation from the winter and holidays blues, including the flowers in the garden. In gardening the correct term is dormant. Although this is considered a metaphor, I tend to believe it is true. During this time of the year the beautiful weather brings out the best in all of us. It is nothing like embracing a beautiful day and letting it motivate and inspire situations in our lives, including deciding to buy or sell a home. 

     Previewing a home on a beautiful day in the spring captures the essence of nature and the land surrounding the home or community. Springtime just breeds new beginnings whether it is spring cleaning, painting a room, renovating a kitchen, adding new plants to freshen up the landscape and/or purchasing a home. It all goes with the spring season. 

     New communities are springing up like flowers all over the place. Homeowners are putting their homes on the market to make their next move and buyers thinking about purchasing are out checking out all the possibilities to build or purchase a new home. 

     As a real estate agent the statistics in sales supports my thoughts and we too love spring time with the goal of selling more homes and blooming along with our clients. 

     It is just a great time to bloom. If you can see a hint of gardening in this post, you are correct. Gardening is what I love to do. Let’s bloom together.